Lego Spaceship - Small Gunship

 This was made using LDraw Lego CAD, using some parts I do not have, however the techniques used made it buildable.

It was inspired by the designs of the X-Wing, the Dai-X X-Bomber and the AH-64 Apache Gunship. It is supposed to be a small crew of 2 people.

The weapons include front facing small defensive lasers - they fire fast, but are intended for small targets, like fighter or intercepter ships. 

On the lower wings are medium Ion cannon weapons, slower to charge and fire, but capable of causing damage to larger armored targets.

On the higher spars are torpedo batteries, with limited ammunition, but capable of large damage on medium to large targets. 

There is little armor, although the higher spars have slightly increased armor to reduce the possibility of the torpedo rounds going up.

This is intended to be used with an escort of fighter type ships, and flying short range - in system. It has rapid sublight engines, but no capability to go between systems and will need to return to a support capital ship.

There are sensor arrays to assist with targeting and fins for cooling.

This started with trying to figure out how to make the arrangement for the spars on the back.

As well as the images, there is an LDraw CAD file for this model.


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