Neat lens on Custom Minfigs

I found a article on How To Make Lego Decals - which you can use to make custom minfigures, or stick on computers and enhance your Lego scenes. Lego minifigs come in a huge range with plenty of variety, but sometimes you need just the right look for your scene or creation.

The basic idea is that you can download, or design your own, scale them and print them off. On the article there is a template for a standard minifig, and a video guide to printing them off - although I'd suggest using tools like Photoshop (the GIMP if it needs to be free) and Inkscape to scale and print instead of MS Word.

Ken, the author, has also put a few links to places that sell custom Lego minifigs and weapons for those not wanting to DIY.

Now I've just got to figure out how to get custom decals into LDraw format so I can use them in my virtual Lego scenes.


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